Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Folder Guard 9.1

Version: 9.1
Category: Security|Lockdown
Developer: WinAbility Software Corporation
Size: 12 Mb

Seeds 112 SeedsLeechers 56 Leechers

Folder Guard

Folder Guard torrent
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Good 13Bad0

Features: Folder Guard can hide your personal folders from other users: You can set up Folder Guard to hide your private folders (or make them appear empty). The folder would be hidden from virtually any program, including Windows Explorer, Office, MS-DOS programs, etc. Folder Guard can password-protect and restrict access to file folders: You can password-protect any document folder to prevent access to your personal files without knowing the password. You can set up Folder Guard to allow only certain users to change the computer settings with Control Panel, while denying that to other users. Folder Guard can control access to programs and files: You can prevent other users (even the administrators) from using the system tools that can mess up your Windows installation, while allow such use for yourself or someone who knows the Master password. You can also designate the backup programs as the trusted ones, allowing them to backup your protected files in the background without asking you for the password every time. Folder Guard is suitable for a wide range of computer security tasks: You can stop other users of your computer from peeking into your personal files. You can protect the system files and folders from destruction by cyber-vandals. You can allow specific users to run a program while denying it to others. You can allow users to store their documents on removable drives, while preventing them from using unauthorized programs on those drives. Folder Guard protects your files without encrypting them: There is no risk of losing your documents if you lose your encryption key: with Folder Guard all your files remain intact, without modification of any kind.

Review: Many users are still waiting to see the "Windows", which is equipped with a function that offers the protection of a secret?? Od?? Technology files and folders capability version. Until that happens, you will catch up?? INET Folder Guard, stand-alone program that can do this quite easily. Specially designed to protect folders with password on? Od?? Technology,?? I measure of safety from the get-go. The program will create a restore point?? Things, trying to help the user to stay on the safe side, and provides an opportunity to restore everything to its original condition when you forgotten?? Ite your secret?? ODI or other type of accident occurs and the stored data is not affected. Configuration Folder Guard is pretty easy to u?? Tasks. There is a special wizard will guide you through the entire process so that you can not just set in secret?? ODI folder, but also one day?? Sole protection. There is another way to protect your files though. The program comes with File Explorer, you can see directly in the main window, so its enough to go to the folder and right?, Right-click instant protection. In addition, you can change its attributes and make it read-only, providing all?? Access or what?? These options limit at all? "When. In the event of an accident there and you lose your secret?? ODI, Don worry. Folder Guard gives you the ability to create disaster recovery programs that can be copied to a CD or USB flash drive, so you can i?? reset the password on? ODI in a short period of time. In summary, the application seems to work without Trzaskowo offers a decent set of features to adapt to each user's needs. In addition, for ease of use Folder Guard is one of the i?? the best alternative for those who want to protect their data.

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